We are inviting all pupils who are involved in the DebtAware financial capability programme to take part in a competition for Talk Money Week 2018
Talk Money Week runs from Monday 12th November until the 18th November 2018. It is an opportunity for people and organisations to break the taboo and engage in conversations around money and debt.
It is also the annual celebration of the work thousands of organisations are doing to improve people’s financial capability across the UK, including ourselves and our parent organisation Debt Advice Foundation. Throughout the week organisations will be showcasing their services, with a focus this year on what organisations can do to get more people accessing free debt advice, more people saving regularly, more young people receiving a meaningful financial education and fewer people using credit for everyday spending.
Around 3,500 pupils in years’ 5 and 6 at primary schools in the North West are expected to take part in the DebtAware competition which has a “Christmas budgeting” theme. Children will have a choice of three activities that they can enter the competition with. These include writing;
• ‘Top Tips for Christmas Spending’ for parents who are planning their Christmas budget
• A poem about being careful with spending at Christmas
• Writing a short story about a family that spent too much at Christmas
We will choose the best three entries, with each winning entry receiving vouchers worth £100.00! We will announce the winners on Friday the 14th of December.
As well as the competition, we will be delivering our money lessons to 13 schools during Talk Money Week. That’s 450 children who will be improving their financial capability!
You can also visit our programme leader, Brian Souter, at the Talk Money Conference on Wednesday 14th November at Central Hall Westminster, to learn more about our programme and the fantastic work we are doing to help the next generation learn how to handle their finances.
If you want to follow the Talk Money Week chatter on Twitter or contribute yourself, use the hashtag #TalkMoney.